146 year old St Joseph’s burnt down yesterday morning. The alarm was raised around 6.30 a.m. when it was observed that the roof was on fire. I actually heard on the radio that the church was alight while I lay in bed. A more dedicated Abbotsford blogger would have leapt out of bed with digital point and shoot in hand and photographed the flames, which were up to 35 feet high. Here instead is David Schwarz’s excellent image from today’s Age. The Church had a large Vietnamese contingent amongst its parishoners. It seems likely that it will have to be demolished. Just before Easter too. Anyone got any stories about the place which deserve to be shared?
how sad to hear that st.joseph’s has burnt down. this is where i started school in grade 2 (Miss Willis) when i arrived from malta with my parents in 1960.and stayed on till grade 6 (sister ethelburg).st.joseph’s holds so many wonderful memories for me. 1st communion, confirmation, baptizms, weddings etc. we lived in keele st. collingwood then. but now i live in malta and am a grandmother.
My great grandparents were married there in 1897. Being good catholics they produced 12 children! I will have to find some old photos. Does anyone know where the records would be including communions?