40,000 page loads

Wowee. Seems I started this blog in February and it took 6 months, until 23 August 2006 to get to 20,000 page loads. Now, two months later, the 40,000th page load has occurred, today. You wouldn’t know if from the parsimonious lack of comments you readers leave.

Let me tell you something. We bloggers like comments. We like looking at your websites if you have them. If you like the blog, tell me. A comment that says “interesting” or “who cares?” will be cherished. So, who are you? What do you think? Why do you glide so silently through my blog?

11 Replies to “40,000 page loads”

  1. as someone who spills their own content onto the web, i know just how you feel.

    as a reader, i find myself having little to contribute in terms of “useful feedback”.

    but i appreciate your blog nonetheless – it’s a welcome respite in my sea of work-related RSS feeds.

  2. I love your blog! You’re in the ‘local’ section of my bloglines (alongside my own blog ‘cos I don’t know where else in the blogosphere is local enough). And I’m constantly spying off other 86 tram passengers, contemplating if one of them is you, looking up and down Gertrude street, thinking up a new entry.

  3. I found your blog and added it to my favourites. I have just moved into Abbbotsford after relocating from Adelaide and wanted to know a bit more about the area I’ve stumbled into. I have been here just on one month and love it. Also want to give a thumbs up for the Park Hotel on Nicholson Street. Friendly and laid back.

  4. You are all too kind. All 4 of you. Now keep commenting to encourage the others. Laura, weren’t you going to draw me a barmaid at the Carringbush? And Jacqui, what are you going to write or photograph? If you live far enough away from The Carringbush, you can be a foreign correspondent.

  5. This craven cry for attention really has reaped dividends. “Please reply” says Firefly, a poet who doesn’t knowit. But where on the earth is it 10 o’clock in the morning when it is 9 o’clock in the night here in Abbotsford? And, to think, you think there’s many of me: Mini Me, Middle Me, and Mega Me. But no, though I predict I will soon have an Oslo correspondente. And then there will be “you guys” to whom you may address yourself without error.

  6. Really it might probably come earlier than you predicted but I’m still looking forward to a message, say, at midnight? 🙂

    As a (“self-appointed”) representative of the thousands (?) of silent net surfers of this Abbotsford Blog, may I say that it is one thing to browse through the website lazily looking for something that could be of interest and that could cheer up your “normal” life every once and a while but it is a very different thing when it comes to comment for the moment when you start to post something somewhere you will eventually have to go back just to look at your comment again and perhaps this is an additional commitment too much to bear?

    Additionally some might pretty much like to play the role of an outsider walking down on the street of a small town, scrutinizing through the glass windows and feeling absolutely happy as a peaceful intruder into someone else’s life.

    Oh, it isn’t that I don’t do blog…

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