40,000 page loads

Wowee. Seems I started this blog in February and it took 6 months, until 23 August 2006 to get to 20,000 page loads. Now, two months later, the 40,000th page load has occurred, today. You wouldn’t know if from the parsimonious lack of comments you readers leave.

Let me tell you something. We bloggers like comments. We like looking at your websites if you have them. If you like the blog, tell me. A comment that says “interesting” or “who cares?” will be cherished. So, who are you? What do you think? Why do you glide so silently through my blog?

Slow Food Festival in the Blogosphere

Because I did such a crap job of reporting the Slow Food’s “A Taste of Slow” festival, I have found some links to blogs of folk who did a better job, like Esurientes — The Comfort Zone, and Caper Berry Gravy and A Few of My Favourite Things. If you know of any other good wrap-ups, let me know.

This guy‘s point of view — “largely pretentious yuppy rubbish” — definitely deserves representation: I have this nigling problem with the whole scene, and I think it comes down to this. This shows me to be hard to please, and really, the slow food movement can be whatever it and its members want. But for me, slow food should not be expensive; it should be a movement of the celebration of simplicity and home-cooked food, a rejection of the overpriced delicatessen. I would have liked to see big crowds of Italian and Greek families competing in an Olympics of home cooking where the teams could consist only of nuclear families, and 44 gallon drums spurting fire were provided to each team. Then peppers could be char grilled, goats roasted on spits, tomato passata produced in vast quantities and octopuses thrashed periodically to soften them up as they were roasted over the fire, basted with bitter herbal liquors. The Vietnamese could have made their minced meat wrapped in char grilled green leaf parcels, and taught the pronunciation of Phở. No doubt lawyers have ensured that no such festivity is possible.

20,000 page loads: forgive me a moment’s self-indulgent self-congratulation

According to WordPress, the blogging system I use, the 20,000th page load occurred today. Whatever a page load is. Miss K would say that’s me reading each of the 79 posts 253 times, but she would be wrong.

And according to Stat Counter, 6,403 “unique visitors” have come by. Every time someone has a look who hasn’t had a look in the previous half an hour, they get counted as a “unique visitor”.

It is true that many people (including a surprising number of people whose webservers are in Iran) are only interested in the tits in the World Naked Bike Ride post, but happily the article on Wabi Sabi Salon remains the most read. Thanks for this marvellously apposite photo go to Kendall Rae of Canada.