Lentil as Anything at the Abbotsford Convent

Now it’s possible that this is a photo of Argentinian pataphysicist Hernan Palacio, of whom more anon. After Sunday’s breakfast, I walked to the Convent and rambled around and dreamt of something which does not feature prominently in the plans I have seen published by the Abbotsford Convent Foundation, namely the filling up of the empty swimming pool and its conversion into a magnificently beautiful public pool with sunlounges made of that beautiful striped French canvas which has recently reached our shores, with little taps in their arms which would pour beers into glasses made by the glassworks inside in return for a dollar coin which would activate a valve in a pipe direct from the brewery running beneath the majestic River Yarra with its source in a vat of a special brew created and reserved only for the Convent, and tapas in banana leaf packages in a new kind of vending machine made of bamboo, and very early afternoon hula dancing classes fueled by Tequila. But I digress. I popped my head into Lentil as Anything once I had peered through the window of the wood fired bakery-to-be and realised that the once-advertised and much-anticipated-by-me July opening was about as accurate as a Connex Epping line timetable. Dear readers, it comes after all that, to this: I liked what I saw. Continue reading “Lentil as Anything at the Abbotsford Convent”

Arlo Hammond Balthasar Thwaites

Arlo Hammond Balthazar Thwaites was delivered on 20 March 2006 to Abbotsford residents married at the Collingwood Children’s Farm, Rayner Thwaites and Emily Hammond.

This seems an appropriate point in the blog to mention also baby Saskia. Julian Elliott is now a doctor whom I knew at university. He and his doctor wife came back from a stint of aid work in Cambodia in order to have their child in a hometown hospital. Nicole gave birth to Saskia unexepectedly under a peppercorn tree at the Collingwood Children’s Farm in February, with Julian’s assistance.

May Arlo and Saskia have a happy life; their parents too.